Monday, October 22, 2007

What the hell am I doing?

What the heck is this anyhow?

My buddy Pete told me the other day that I should start a blog. We were playing Madden and we were griping about one of the terrible decisions the design team made. If you haven't played it yet, instead of having an announcer we for instance the one the freaking game is named after...we have a Mike Tirico sound alike. And instead of sounding like it's coming through my HDTV, it sounds like it's coming through a speaker with a hole in it . Are you kidding? 20 million dollars to develop a game and no one realized that was a terrible idea? Don't they have teams that actually play these games before they sell them? And here's the worst part. You can't shut the announcer off permanently. You can turn the setting down to zero, but every time you turn the game on, there he is like a drunk idiot at the bar offering unsolicited play by play. At this point you will have to pause the game and go into the volume control screen. You won't have to do anything once you are there because the announcer setting is already on zero, you just need to remind the game to turn the announcer off because apparently it was pot brownie day at EA sports when they were working out the audio.

Anyhow, it was that sort of inane banter coupled with a desire to get EA Sports, ESPN, Hugh Hefner, and George Bush to listen to my complaints and suggestions, that I decided to start this blog. More than likely, I will never make another post. It is however possible that I may just decide to come back here every week and offer my thoughts on a variety of trivial matters.

With that possibility in mind, I should lay out a few things in the beginning just so we have somewhere to work from.

I'm a dude.

I'm 3o.

I am a salesman, a musician, a couch potato, a husband, and a soon to be father.

I'm a horrible speller and I believe that the definition to any given word is relative. I also don't think it's wise of me to spend too much time editing this. It might look better but it will probably make me censor myself and what fun would that be. Which brings me to my next item.

I'm going to try and be as honest about things as possible here. Sorry if you get offended, I'm not trying to piss you off. Unless of course I'm trying to piss you off (like you nitwits at EA).

I'm really conservative, and I'm really liberal. In the end, I think that puts me smack dab in the middle. I think it also makes me opinionated.

I have a big dog named Angus. There's a good chance he'll weigh in here from time to time.

If I was forced to worship a deity, I'd probably pick Bob Dylan.

Well, I think that's a good start.

Til next time.

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